profile picture


Or "How this site was made?".
(a little bit for geeks, I admit πŸ˜‡)


This website is generated by Zola, a pretty cool and simple static website generator.

I edit the pages using Markdown, with Emacs, the (thermonuclear) extendable, customizable, free/libre text editor. I like it because it is light, available on all major OSes (plus I know it for a while now). Note it is stable and actively maintained since the eighties β€” yes, you read that right β€” and probably will be for a bunch of other decades to come too (!).

I use Git to version the website content itself.

And… I don't even need to leave Emacs to use Git, as I'm using the Magit package as a front-end. It just fits naturally in Emacs, so really no question about it.

(By the way, you might want to check out my personal Emacs configuration files on GitHub if this type of things interests you πŸ˜‡)

As a bonus, the fact that these tools are all Free Software is pretty cool if you ask me: I am not tied to any vendors and control all the tooling and data! πŸ˜‰


I am not a designer, so I rely on:

See their usage terms duly exposed in the license page for more information.

Third party: hosting services

This is a website, so it needs a few services to run before one can browse it:

Third party: optional services

A few other third party services are optional for you to use, they are:

Google FormsProvide the form to contact me
CommentBoxProvide the commenting system in the blog pages

I encourage you to check out their own policies, if you use them.